I’ve been painting up a storm again, well not literally! If I could do that you bet I would have painted up some healthy delicious rain for our parched earth.
August 1st I painted three paintings, two were very light and airy and then the third was very different. I call it ‘Velvet Crimson’ -in the dark it looks like velvety softness and you can barely see the gold and red, but when the light shines on it -it’s glorious! Just like us! I suspect August is going to reveal new things to me and I’m looking forward to the journey.

I have a number of new paintings, which I’m adding to the gallery for now. They are not being listed for sale just yet. (if you see one you are interested in purchasing, message me for details) Feel free to share my website info with people you think will resonate with my energy expressions. I appreciate the support. This is very new to me and so getting the word out that my art is available for sale is really important. The feedback I’ve been receiving has been incredibly uplifting!
The more I allow my creativity to reveal itself the more I am learning about myself and my world. It really is a wonderful life! Not without challenges and struggles of course, but certainly delicious when you find your voice and hidden strength. That is where I’m at right now.
I hope you are finding joy in your daily life. I know this period is not easy for any of us. I also know that each of us has a path uniquely ours and we have to find those gems hidden in the velvety darkness.

A thought I shared on my social media this week too!