Carole Serene-Author & Channeler of Pax!


Carole Serene

March 22, 2022 Today’s Podcast is Exploring with Carole Serene!

Podcast #07-2022 Airing May 3, 2022 audio on podbean, apple podcasts and Video on Youtube

Carole Serene Borgens channels the Divine Wisdom source known as Pax, who thus far, in all the books they have written, focuses on healing of self, healing of Planet Mother Earth, and healing of the soul.  As Pax tells us, it is through our personal power that we will heal ourselves and our world. And it is important to find ‘joy’ along the way.

We discussed her journey to exploring and using her gifts, the challenges of childhood, and the messages that Pax shares through her in automatic writing. It is fascinating that her books, like Do Unto Earth It’s Not Too Late, reveal some of the mysteries of life and we discussed some of that too!

Carole Serene is a Spiritual Medium, Channeler, Animal Communicator, and author of many channeled books with Pax. In addition, together they provide private readings for clients around the globe.  Assisting people to find their true purpose in this lifetime, connect with their loved ones who have crossed over, and find healing in all ways; mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual; this is their intention. 

Guiding people in finding ways to move their personal worlds into wellness, and by extension the greater good of mankind and Mother Earth, is their purpose, one person at a time, and through their books to all of mankind.

Connect with Carole:

Website for Carole Serene is and there is a contact page link there if you wish to connect with her.

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