Charlotte Lomenda

Charlotte Lomenda

May, 2022 Podcast- NDE-The Silver Lining Medium & Healer

Podcast Airing date May 21, 2022 audio at(Apple Podcasts, Podbean and iheart radio) and Video on Youtube with Timestamps and Subtitles updated. This was a deep and difficult discussion, as the subject matter was both inspiring and heartbreaking.

Note: closed caption/subtitles are being updated on the videos, along with time stamps, especially for the longer videos. Look for the time stamps along the video slider, or in the description box. You can jump to a specific section of the video. The computer-generated subtitles are often incorrect, but I hope to update all as soon as possible.


When life serves you lemons, make a lemon meringue pie. 

In 2002, that is what I was going to do. I was in the process of leaving an unhappy marriage, stressed and determined to clear my head to make sure I made the right choice to leave.  I was going to take a road trip to enjoy some playtime with just me and my 3 kids to West Edmonton Mall. But that did not happen.

I was involved in a fatal MVA where I would have a NDE.  I woke in the hospital, went to the chapel and stared out into the dark wondering what just happened.

Arriving home to my children, all safe with slight cuts and scrapes, I had the same immense feeling of love that I had experienced when I was floating above the accident. I could see the vehicles, the ambulance driving off knowing  my body was in it.

Surrounded by a warm, beautiful, white and gold light and hearing a man’s voice say, “it isn’t your time, you have to go back.” I would come home and find myself pulling over on the side of the road on a sunny day and walk towards that same euphoria I was longing to feel  again. Instead, I just felt intense love for everyone and everything.

I would have a stroke 4 months later, with my left side partially paralyzed for several months. I would begin feeling, seeing, and hearing energies. The energy was so intense at times, my body would start twitching uncontrollably. I would later understand that feeling to be energies that have crossed over and were trying to communicate to their loved ones through me.  I would become a telephone for  Spirit ☺

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