Does Art Matter? Podcast

Does Art Matter? How Much Does it Influence Your World? – Jan.14, 2023

Podcast aired in audio format Jan 13, 2023 -Airing on Jan. 14, 2023 Video on Youtube

Does art matter in our world? Does it influence your world? Some thoughts around what is art; not all art is created equally,  energy transferences, good karma and bad karma and questions about what kind of world we want. 

Also alert to scammers in the art world and how the public are being taken for granted and sometimes participates in those scams. 

This is an important topic given that so many of our life choices are influenced by how we feel and how we feel is influenced by images and energy. Whether it’s visual art, movies, music, dance or marketing and how we decorate and design our homes and businesses, it all plays a part in our human experience. I call it Planet Art, because when I feel into my place on this planet I know through all of my senses it is about vibration and art is vibration.

I share my thoughts on this through this podcast. I’d love to have your comments and feedback on what you think about the subject. Thanks so much-please don’t forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel, feel free to share the podcast and the links to this website too!

If you haven’t already done so please sign up for the newsletter as I’ll be sharing more through the newsletter than on social media in 2023! Once again, Happy New Year and thank you for your support.

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