Dolores Macedo Eaton-From Jewellery to Angels!

Podcast #6-2022

Dolores Eaton Macedo

March 17, 2022 Today’s Podcast is Exploring with Dolores Eaton Macedo!

Podcast #06-2022 Airing date TBA audio and Video on Youtube

Note: closed caption/subtitles are being updated on the videos, along with time stamps, especially for the longer videos. Look for the time stamps along the video slider, or in the description box. You can jump to a specific section of the video. This video has both time stamps and an edited cc applied. The computer-generated subtitles are often incorrect, but I hope to update all as soon as possible.

Hi, I Am Dolores Macedo Eaton, I knew in my heart, mind and soul that I could create anything I desired. I began manifesting long before I had ever heard of the Law of Attraction.  

In my early twenties, I had everything I had ever dreamt of, I was married, we lived in the beautiful home and had my first son and my heart was full of joy. I was happy and grateful; however, I had an inner knowing that I was meant to do more.

So there I began my business. I started selling Fifth Avenue Jewellery, a High-end Fashion Jewellery for 30 years,  I was an overachiever and dedicated many hours to my business-building relationships on trust. I became # One in the company for years breaking my own records and following my strong intuition.

When I started to listen to Spirit Is when my life changed. I received guidance and inspiration from God, Spirit, the Divine, and I knew I had an amazing purpose and message to share In this lifetime. I built a business with my true gifts as an Intuitive Energy Empath bringing healing messages to beautiful souls. I knew my soul was calling me to play it BIG, So I started following the signs and gifts in a way that didn’t involve playing small in my life or business anymore. 

My true gifts are as an Intuitive Spiritual Counsellor and Empath. I have fine-tuned my abilities, working with clients by delivering guidance and inspiration through spirit messages. I soon realized that my deeper calling was to bring more soul connections to people’s lives. To teach them to follow their intuitive guidance, love themselves deeply, and honour themselves as Goddesses they are.

In our Intuitive Reading, you’ll receive guidance on your spiritual journey, career, relationships, love from your Angels and Spirit Guides to move you towards your soul’s purpose. In our Private Session with your permission, I will tap into your energy to Identify energetic blocks that stop you from living your best way. To Believe, Love and Receive Healing to transform from within, I’m looking forward to connecting with you. Dolores Macedo Eaton

Connect with Dolores for Private Readings:

Dolores has an active page on Facebook, you can connect with her there

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