I’ve been receiving comments and feedback from various people telling me that my art has a healing quality and I realized that I often meditate before I paint; I contemplate and reflect, then I let go and let it flow.
I’ve decided to really focus on letting my intuition guide me more, especially for custom or commission pieces. If you have a healing practice, traditional, natural, or alternative, or a consulting space, etc. perhaps a little creative artwork specific for that area might help to create the energy you desire.
The other evening I had a friend suggest I do more of the intuitive work and so I’ve started a new collection called, ‘Ethereal Collection’ as that seems to be a theme right now.
I was meditating on our present world, with all the many challenges we face and I wondered what could I paint that would reflect a healing energy. This painting is what resulted. All I could see is love, explosions of love throughout the Universe and beyond. It was like the birthing of a vibration of love eternally.

It’ll be ready for shipping at the end of June 2021, if you are interested in purchasing please use the contact for to connect. It is 16 inches by 20 inches.