To be released 2022!

In joyful anticipation, I am thrilled to announce my new ebook will be released in January 2022!
First I’d like to wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Life is filled with joy and sorrow-we can’t avoid it. Planet earth is a delicious feast of constrast. Learning to navigate it is the challenge. We’ve all been challenged by the global health crisis and some more than others. Humans are always in a state of change on this planet, the key is in finding our strength and tools to evolve, no matter the degree of challenge we face.
This Memoir is not a form of medical advice in any way. It is a first person account of life events that shaped me and wounded me; the insight I gained once I began my healing journey. Beyond the scope of my physical body where I thought the wounds were, I discovered the expansiveness of my being, in the spiritual and metaphysical realms. The ebook will be followed by a paperback edition in the future (date not determined yet)
Women are still doing the majority of the birthing and burying on this planet, it’s time they had a voice -a story of empowerment scraped off the thorny cages of trauma and grief, with burning determination and insatiable curiosity. There is still a long way to go in balancing energies on planet earth and the author exposes what can happen to families when women do not know, claim and use their power effectively. Mystical insights into the world of true healing and raw humanness are the backbones of this memoir.
I think it’s obvious that many people have been traumatized in their lives or grew up with parents who were, and that unhealed pain spills out into society in a myriad of unhealthy expressions. Without tools to navigate through grief and trauma, we can be left in a fog. Seeking the right therapist for you is critical because we are all so very unique and our circumstances are unique.
Today it is popular to see trends of labelling people without a lot of deeper examination. I dug deep in my research and healing for years before I ever considered sharing my insights with the world. This book, that the public will now be reading has been rewritten, revised, edited and rewritten multiple times since it began. You can read a few of the advanced readers reviews here along with an excerpt from the prologue.
My intention in sharing my story, is to shine a light for those who work with trauma victims, those who are the walking wounded or love someone who is. Trauma has many faces; death of loved ones, loss of a job, a marriage or perceptions about life. Each of us will experience events in our own unique way with our own unique filter, learning to accept that and treat each other accordingly is an insight I pray will resonate with many. I also exposed the insights I gained on the shifts happening on planet earth to dismantle the old systems that keep us stuck in our victim roles. It was a difficult book for me to write. It took me over ten years of writing, editing, healing and rewriting in order to share with you.
Cover design is finally finished! Very exciting for me! The bubble imagery fits so well with the way I saw myself in the world for many years. Please subscribe to the newsletter here,(click the logo on the bottom of any page or bottom of this post) if you want to be notified when the book is released. You’ll also get updates on my art pieces and insights I share on my blog. Pre-order special price is available now, you’ll receive the PDF download on the release date by email notification. Please share the information with your friends and family if you feel called to do so; the book will be sold exclusively through this website initially. You are welcome to explore my original art while you are here as well.
You may also wish to subscribe to my social media pages; youtube, twitter, instagram, and Facebook -all links on the sidebar!

Blessings and gratitude