Holly Blazina

Holly Blazina

June, 2022 Podcast Exploring with Holly Blazina! #11-2022

Podcast Airing date June 4, 2022 iheartradio & Apple Podcast audio and Video on Youtube

I’m looking forward to exploring with Holly. So many people I know struggle with gut issues and other symptoms that seem to relate back to gut health. This is going to be fun!

Bio: Holly Blazina is an Ayurvedic gut health specialist, Yogini, author, and flamenco guitarist who found her kryptonite in chronic fatigue, candida, food sensitivities and insomnia. She spent nearly 25 years figuring out how to get her life back so that you can have yours, too. Now, she’s a creative powerhouse in her 50’s with energy to burn.

Holly helps empaths, intuitives and heart-centred people solve their gut issues with 1:1 consultations, group courses and her Gutsy Yoga member program.

Note: closed caption/subtitles are being updated on the videos, along with time stamps, especially for the longer videos. Look for the time stamps along the video slider, or in the description box. You can jump to a specific section of the video. The computer-generated subtitles are often incorrect, but I hope to update all as soon as possible.


Connect with Holly:

Website: Big Gutsy Life https://www.biggutsylife.com

Flamenco site: www.hollyblazina.com

FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/biggu… 

Gutsy Type Quiz: https://www.gutsytypequiz.com/

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