Just like every great move, our lives each have a unique soundtrack.
Thought I would share a post I created on my Facebook page, for those of you not following me there.
“Thought I would share a little personal memory with you tonight…sparked by the Cat Stevens’ song Peace Train I posted earlier. It showed up in my timeline and I was just loving listening to it and the message within…I must have listened to it 10 times, it was feeling so warm and joyful and then I realized it was bringing back sweet memories of my oldest brother. Music has a way of framing our memories throughout our lives. Every movie has a musical score, our lives are the same.My oldest brother drowned at 23 years old, so he didn’t have a lot of years to teach me or be a big brother, but he had enough time to introduce me to the music that has influenced my life beyond anything I ever thought of until tonight.He consumed music, the story tellers, the contemplaters of life that wove powerful messages into their music, those were the revolutionaries of the 1970’s.
He introduced me to Cat Stevens, James Taylor, Simon & Garfunkel, Neil Diamond, on and on -he had passion for life, curiosity expressed through his love for the current events of our times which were reflected in his choice of music, movies, that influenced me and my sense of social consciousness far more than I realized at the time. I watched him embrace the themes, Billy Jack and all things related to the character, the clothes, the passion for peace, the space exploration and music that related to it.

He once told me that he thought the ultimate high would be death. That was incredible to hear when I was younger, yet now I understand. It is truly incredible to me to realize how little time I actually spent with my oldest brother in his short life and yet, he profoundly influenced my view of life. Never underestimate how your life can inspire, uplift and influence others, not by words alone, not by money or status, but by simply living your life with passion for what you truly care about.
I am so grateful for my brother and all my siblings, for their journey with me through so many trials, challenges and so much shared laughter, joy and growth we’ve all experience. It wasn’t easy, but I can see more clearly tonight as I reflect back, just how precious each moment has been, even the hard stuff and how they each influenced my life in their own way. I hope in sharing this with you tonight, it can inspire you to perhaps see the people you’ve travelled life with for the gifts they are or were, good stuff and not so good stuff that helped you to grow and be who you are today. I have no idea why I felt so strongly the importance of sharing this with you tonight, maybe someone needs to hear this…I don’t know …sending you all loving vibes!”
What is your soundtrack? Does music trigger good memories for you? Consider the music you listen to and the music you play in your home, it is likely influencing the people around you and your environment. Did this article inspire you ? I’m wishing you a peaceful day and life!