Sold -Original Art -‘Potential’s Outburst’ acrylic painting on canvas
Piece Title: ‘Potential’s Outburst’
Artist: Catherine Whelan Costen
Size: 8×20 in (3/4in thick approx.)
Your Price: $200.00 CDN incl. shipping
Fluid Acrylic Handmade Painting
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An original acrylic painting on canvas. An expression of wispy energy in various hues of white, gold metallic, violet, deep blue, pink, hints of other colours blended in, on a split blue/white background.
Note: Colours on the website may differ than on the original work when they are viewed in various light conditions. Some paintings have metallics or colour shifting in the paint, so that will change the way they look under different light. Also some paintings have a texture, whereas others are smooth. It is paint on canvas and paint is not smooth like a photograph.