Sacred Journey Mining the Depths of Grief &Trauma to Unearth the Gems Beneath
PDF format ebook-3rd Edition a few minor revisions from the 1st Edition
A Memoir – Readers Reviews
and Read: A portion of the Prologue:
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PERMISSION TO BREATHE-by author Catherine M.A. Whelan Costen
A Memoir
Sacred Journey Mining the Depths of Grief &Trauma to Unearth the Gems Beneath
Read more details and read reader reviews here
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Your reviews and feedback are always helpful to let other readers know how you felt about your experience after reading the book. I appreciate all your thoughts and insights-please leave your reviews at the bottom of this page Or use the contact form.
Copyright ©2018 Catherine M. A. Whelan Costen- Catherine Publishing
All rights reserved. The use of any part of this book, reproduction, or transmission by any means, electronically, mechanically, photocopying, recording or internet systems or otherwise stored in a retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the author is an infringement of the copyright law.
Catherine Publishing
P.O. Box 478 Blackie, Alberta Canada T0L 0J0
©Cover Design 2021: Catherine M.A. Whelan Costen
This book is not intended to provide medical, psychiatric or psychological advice; if you have a medical concern please seek out the appropriate medical practitioner for your situation.
Many of the primary characters’ names have been left out of the story and some of the location names as well, to protect the privacy of others. The story is based on the author’s life and her perception of events.
They are not necessarily factual, although every attempt has been made to stay true to the memory of events. There are always at least three sides to a story-the author’s perspective, the other characters’ version, and somewhere in the middle, there may be truth.
E-Book ISBN 978-1-7753831-4-7