Some little show-offs to Start 2022!

Today’s blog is all about What’s NEW!
If you have visited my artstore, you will notice that I have merchandise for sale; a few clothing items, throw blanket, bags, water bottles and a variety of mugs-all created with my art prints. Now I am branching out to more fashion and design. Use the link above to go directly to my storefront and see the variety I’m offering for sale at Le Galeriste.
Scroll through the gallery here to see some of the newest original acrylic art additions offered for sale! You can also visit the art store to see more
Not everyone has space for walls of exquisite art, however wearing an art piece is not only a unique opportunity, you can connect with the energy in the design. Each piece was selected to flow with the art piece and will have my company logo on the tag.
I’ve added several new pieces to my storefront recently, so please feel free to explore. Once you are on the storefront you can sort your viewing by collection, or clothing pieces, eg. dresses, bottoms, tops etc. Below are a few featured in the collections, you can scroll through to view!
Here are a few items-
I love that they are Canadian made fabrics as I am a Canadian Intuitive Artist. I look forward to hearing your feedback about these pieces. When you visit the store you can see fabric details, care and washing instructions and more.
Here is a sample of one style with six different art pieces from my original acrylic paintings, now on fabric, so you can take the high vibes with you wherever you go and impress Your World!
There are several other artworks in this style called the Felicia Dress and many more dress styles, pants, tops, scarves, some pouches and pillows as well! This is just the beginning! I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for colours or paintings that you’d like to see wearable, too!
I will continue to feature merchandise on this website, so feel free to explore here as well. Le Galeriste is more upscale clothing whereas my website features different options.
You may also wish to subscribe to my social media pages; youtube, twitter, instagram, and Facebook -all links on the sidebar!
Blessings and gratitude