I’m watching with awe and wonder as the molecules of paint pigment bound with pouring medium, dance across a thirsty canvas. It’s like standing on a sandy beach, toes grasping the shore, watching the tide come in at sunrise. Some say, ‘it’s only paint’ – I say nothing in life is ‘only’ – all of it is miraculous!
Each component in the process hardly expresses at all until the dance begins. I wait with curiosity and glee as droplets join to each other, then decide to move along grabbing others as they flow. How do they decide? Which one will select the rosy pink, the teal or darkest blue, or reject the metallic gold as companion for the dance and why? Sometimes they split apart and allow a stream of white to bust them wide open, then swirl with excitement as they gather up a hue of violet, or crimson; it’s all so random, or so it seems. I too am a participant in this glorious dance, although I’m mostly an observer.

One particle alone would seem to have little expression; although there are surely many tiny specks standing alone without a care, unaware of their place in the composition. When they agree to become companions on their journey, they expand, contract, express and become something far beyond my imagination. From tiny drops of infinite potential they explode in such magnificent unpredictable designs.
Perhaps it’s not the ocean tides I’m seeing but rather a well choreographed dance in a grand ballroom while I sit in the balcony holding my breath and gasping as the paint flows down the sides and off the canvas altogether, sometimes losing a fantastic design, leaving me sorrowful for a moment. Then the pause between the notes ends as the dance begins again and my heart skips a beat as I delight in the new revelation!
Millions or billions perhaps of minuscule parts, coming together to shift and transform from liquid to solid form, so much like human relationships with people, nature and themselves -the dance, the music, the highs and lows come in so many joyful ways. Is it a dance, a drama, a season, a life? Oh what a wonderful world!