Use the tools you’ve worked so hard to gain!
For years we’ve been quoting lines from history, inspirational quotes and sharing them on social media, but have we really been applying those concepts? Many are true. We really are the ones we’ve been waiting for. The time is NOW. This is the ‘revelation’, where the lies and corruption is revealed and the truth does set us free of the oppressive chains of the old toxic patriarchy.
So…this is what I am feeling called to share with you now. If it resonates that is wonderful. If it does not, feel free to move on. I’m not writing this for praise or to tell you how to live. It is simply my insight, I share when I feel called to do so. Take it or leave it. All is well.
Given the recent behaviour we see in public today, I ask myself this question; do we not know how to be peace? What does it look like? We’ve prepared people for perpetual war in private life and on a global stage, perhaps we’ve never even tried to train for peace?

For all the business owners or people who have fairly high paying jobs with benefits, and believe that the rest of society ought not have social financial help because you made it on your own and they should too.
- A few things to consider when you vote and in your day to day life.
If this pandemic taught us anything it ought to be that - 1)any one of us could be on that other end of the needing charity stick,
- 2)any one of us could lose our high paying job with benefits tomorrow, any one of us could find that when the rest of society is in deep poverty they cannot buy what we are selling, cannot hire us for services, even what are considered necessary services.
- 3) any one of us could end up in a long term care home at some point, dependent on others for food, water, bathing etc.
- 4) any one of us could end up in critical care in a hospital and that money shouldn’t be the deciding factor on whether we get top notch care or are left alone to suffer
- We are living in a complex interdependent society, whether we realize it or not. This is not the 1800’s, we do not have survival skills for living off the grid en mass, we all use and need safe roads, safe food supply, safe water to drink, safe schools for our children and society’s children, we all need critical care and medical assistance at different times in life.
We can live without our internet, but most of us depend on it for work, education and socialization.
Every private business depends on the rest of society’s wealth in order to thrive. Like it or not, that is the truth. If we keep voting for ‘survival of the fittest’ and do not take care of the greater needs of all of society especially those vulnerable people who cannot take care of themselves, then we do not live in a civil society at all.
We will never have peace if we keep finding more pleasure in the profit of war. When we oppress our neighbours, that is an act of war. When we deny basic necessities of life to those who cannot provide for themselves, that is an act of violence against humanity. When we rape and exploit our Mother Earth, that is an act of War!
Furthermore all of society breaks down when some of society is broken. The vulnerable need the wealthy, the wealthy need to vulnerable to buy the goods, the services, the systems to live. We ought to be considering the greater good now more than ever.
The farmer cannot grow food while the planet is in distress, the weather is in extremes, and the people have few resources to buy the goods the farmer grows if he is lucky enough to grow any. If he cannot grow food and sell it, he has no money for tractors, or fuel or seed. I could go on and on, but you can see just by these few examples how critical our voting is, how important it is to NOT vote like our ancestors did, because we do not live in their times.
These times the planet is changing, the weather is changing and we must adapt or perish as a species. We absolutely must join together as one in order to accomplish harmony, peace, fairness and justice for all. No one person can do this job. That is why there are so many of us here on the planet now.
Since about 1989 there began this huge shift in consciousness on this planet; more people became aware of the power of our thoughts. We were enthralled by the ‘Secret and the Law of Attraction’ but that is not the only Universal Law, there are many. Many people began their healing journeys, their promote ‘love and light’ philosophies and that’s wonderful.
Now it’s time to do more than repeat slogans and quotes. I am surprised at the number of people who really inspired me over the years on the power of belief, the power of kindness, the power of creativity and the laws of the Universe that give us back what we give out and give us what we focus most energetically on, who are joining the voices to push against the old. We know that does not work. We know that we have to let go of the old and embrace the new and amplify the joy where we find it. Yes to sharing the observations of the corruption we see, but not amplifying it.
I am beginning to believe that too many people have joined the ‘spiritual community’ just because of the idea that it could feel good, a fad, a temporary and easy fix. Not all, but certainly some. The truth about a spiritual journey is that is most often not fun, not easy and not a quick fix. The journey is deep, challenging, heart wrenching, gut wrenching and sometimes breaking open a harden heart can have physical challenges as well. This stuff is not for the monetary reward, it is for the expansion of consciousness and breaking free of the chains that have bound us. That is hard, messy and challenging. Many of us have done the work- we’re not done yet.
Now it is time to put into practice what we have been learning all of this expanded consciousness for. We have the tools, some are just learning those tools, but really if they are looking for examples of how those tools work, where will they find it?
If you’ve done the work you can share that knowledge. Fear is not going to fix our broken world. Dividing each other into ‘woke’ and ‘sheep’ is sure not helping.
Once again I’ll share a bit from my personal life; when my son died, many people told me ‘oh no, you’ll never get over that‘. It was a message I heard over and over again. But they were not speaking about me at all, they were speaking about their own fear and how they would react to such news. I responded to a few by saying, ‘I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel like I’ve been preparing for this moment all of my life. I’m not playing to get over anything at all, I will simply get through and my awareness that he is not dead but only left the planet, is powerful insight for me!’ They usually walked away shaking their heads, or telling me I was wrong, I was in shock or delusional. I wasn’t wrong. I was in grief- yes. The delusion is to believe other people’s beliefs instead of our own. My life prepared me for every trauma, drama and hurdle. There were many and each step prepared me for the next.
That was the truth then and now. It is the same truth I share with you now, we have been preparing for this time. Nobody said it was going to be easy, but use the tools you know, use the kindness you know will ease other people’s fear even if you really dislike what they believe or are saying. If you don’t have the tools to navigate, reach out to people who are showing you how they can be calm in the face of change and chaos. We don’t have to do this alone. But it is a choice in how we decide to go forward or hang on to the old which has nothing at all for us, it is dying or in some cases already dead. Don’t hang onto what is dead, reach out to what is alive and thriving.
I’ve said for years, ‘we can’t fight for peace’…that is a hard truth for me. I know it in my heart.

In peace