So many Questions-Here’s a Story to Explain My Process

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What is an Intuitive Artist? So many people have asked me what that is, and I want to offer you my interpretation of that term.

It Does not mean that I don’t have to work for the results. Each painting takes times, it’s a process that can begin weeks or months before I ever mix the paint. I follow my intuition. I pay attention to life’s events, nature, people and expressions and I listen to Spirit’s nudges. It doesn’t come easy and yet there is great ease in the process for me, as I let go of any fear of what people will think, or whether it’s good enough or whether I’m doing it right. It is what it is.

Everything is connected. The University or God or whatever you want to call that magnificent Alpha and Omega energy that created all that is, works through us and our world. So I listen, watch and wait for inspiration.

Once I get that ‘feeling’ to paint, I start with the colour hues that have been repeatedly showing up for me. It is like a calling, ‘oh let’s mix blues with pinks and orange, or what about a little gold or silver with that?’ Very subtle concepts. I’ll begin by mixing various shades/hues of those colours because I like to have many choices as I begin. I’ll usually have a sense of whether I’m going to paint something very fluid or a soft brushed composition, but even then I’m never completely certain. I have an idea or concept in mind on the size of canvas, wood or canvas but I’m not committed to the outcome. I let go and start the process of laying paint on the canvas. I do not listen to music while I work in solitude. It is a form of meditation. I just let the paint show me the way. When I feel like picking up a brush or sponge or palette knife, I do and I move with it. I don’t do a lot of thinking while I paint. Sometimes the process takes one hour give or take, and other times it’ll take weeks before I know it’s finished.

A painting is like a story, a layered dance of emotion and nuance and each one will reveal something to me, or to the viewer that may not seem obvious at first. Intuition involves trust, practice and patience. I’m always open to the nudges and delighted with the surprises.

I’ll leave you with this relevant story about one painting a few months ago.

I’d felt inspired to create some fantasy Universe paintings and had created a couple of them at this point, (not ready to show yet) then I painted this one, image below. I kept tweaking it and not really getting a sense of what it represented. I let it hang on my curing wall and every so often I’d look at it and wonder, ‘what are you saying? what do your represent?’. One day it hit me, ‘ah that reminds me of an Asteroid’. I called it that, at first. It continued to call me and I’d just smile when I looked at it, without knowing why. There was a secret within that painting. One day I was leaning down to handle another canvas and out of the corner of my eye, I SAW HER in the image. I couldn’t not see her. It was a woman in a rocking chair, leaning over weeping. I got a little nudge, ‘she’s the Goddess of the Asteroids’.

I did some research and discovered that her name is Goddess Ceres, riding an Asteroid. There may be other myths but this is the one I was led to and resonates for me, very much. (here is the link ) She is Persephone’s mother in Greek Mythology. She was mourning the loss of her daughter -she represents the mourning of the mother, awaiting the return of the feminine. Shrouded in shadow, barren -the asteroid. Myth has it that after Zeus banished Persephone to the underworld, Ceres pleaded with him to return her to the earth and finally he agreed, half of the year she would spend on the earth and the other half she would descend back into Hades. That represents the seasons of Fall and Winter, and when she returns Spring and Summer return in gleeful exuberance. That is the story that fit so well with this painting and I’d never have known it if I hadn’t followed my intuition in painting it and following the clues from Spirit afterwards. In particular this quote from the link above, resonates with me, “Because Ceres underwent such grief with the loss of her daughter, she teaches us about attachments and loss of them.” We are learning to detach from the old while we welcome the new, it is not easy and it can feel like a deep loss.

As many of you know, if you’ve read my Memoir or follow me on social media, I have experienced that mother’s grief in the loss of my son, a daughter’s grief in the loss of my father at an early age, and the loss of my oldest brother; the mourning is something I relate to so very deeply. I relate to the mourning of the earth under the weight of so much violence and loss of life, loss of habitat, and loss of kindness. I also celebrate knowing the Divine Feminine is returning and better days are ahead if we chose them.

She will be part of the COSMIC LADIES COLLECTION-Cosmic Lady Ceres-THE MOURNING. (more views to follow once she’s ready for sale)

Cosmic Lady Ceres -The Mourning

I feel this composition represents the current world situation, the feminine is rising and while she does the old Patriarchal ideology is crumbling and there is much weeping from the humans who do not understand the earth has had enough of life without the Divine Feminine and the dominance of the Toxic Masculine, it is time for the Sacred Masculine to return and fully support the Divine Feminine in co-creating the new earth of peace, love, joy, fairness and equality.

My art continues to delight and amaze me. It confirms my Spiritual connection and I love sharing the expressions and discoveries with you.  

I invite you to subscribe to my social media pages; youtube, twitter, instagram, and Facebook -all links on the sidebar! I share a lot of original art and fashions on instagram if you are interested.

Blessings and gratitude


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